Customised Training for the
International Education Industry

Marketing and International Education Training Options

Jackfruit Marketing conducts bespoke training workshops to educate and empower you and your team, covering a wide range of topics in strategy, marketing, technology, international student recruitment as well as global education research and trends.

Owner and Managing Director of Jackfruit Marketing, Jackie Kassteen is a frequent plenary speaker at various global education events. Her training sessions are popular because they allow her to go deeper than her keynote presentations, incorporating more participant interaction and engagement with the material, as well as giving you personal advice specific to your current challenges.

Training Offered In-House and at Conferences

Jackfruit Marketing offers training sessions on location for institutions, companies and organisations. Oftentimes, only one or two people are able to attend a conference, yet your whole organisation can benefit from knowledge sharing, stimulating dialogues and professional development. Jackie's flexibility enables her to come straight to you, which means your entire team has the opportunity to participate.

In providing this personal service, Jackie is also able to customise the content according to your organisation's strengths, challenges, needs and goals.

Training can also be given as a pre-conference workshop or as part of industry conferences and events. For example, Jackie has run full training days for the annual events of organisations such as the British Council, Quality English and the TEN group.

For Your Team

One on One

At Events

Training Styles and Delivery

Whilst we prefer to conduct training face to face, we also aim to be as flexible as possible, hence we provide training online, which broadens learning opportunities for staff anywhere in the world. Some institutions and organisations also find it useful to "top and tail" the training we offer - receiving some sessions online first, then having a class in-person, and then following up with more training online to reinforce learning or check in on progress.

Our online training is conducted live, in real-time, in order to ensure sessions are dynamic, engaging and tailored specifically to you. We believe that the more interactive a masterclass can be, the more effective it is. You can pick any time of day that suits your team best, and you'll receive recordings of all our sessions to reference in the future or share with additional staff members.


Face to Face


Training Timetables

Jackfruit Marketing's masterclasses last anywhere from a few hours to two full days and include a balance of both instruction and interactive, dialogue-led working groups. Classes are specifically designed to weave in plenty of opportunities for discussions around practical implementation techniques and overcoming current obstacles and challenges.

Our training is entirely flexible to suit your schedule. You can split the training up into 2-hour chunks which can be delivered over a few days, weeks or even months.


2 hours

Half Day

4 hours

Full Day

8 hours

Two Days

16 hours

Bespoke Training in International Education Marketing and Strategy

We have four Masterclasses that we have designed specifically for the international education industry and are based on presentations Jackie has given around the world from New York to New Zealand.

Combining her industry knowledge with her marketing background and expertise, Jackie's interactive workshops are customised according to each audience, whether it be school or business owners, marketing practitioners, university leaders, or language teachers.

Most Popular


The Rise of the Selfie

Leveraging Pop Culture Trends
in Marketing and Recruitment

high res to swap

What’s Your Story?

How to Activate Storytelling in
Your Marketing and Brand Strategies


Five Alive!

Understanding and Appealing
to Today’s Generations

marketing strategy for international education industry

How Agile Are You?

Adapting and Innovating
in the Face of Change

Additional Training Topics in International Education and Marketing

Beyond our four signature masterclasses, we also provide bespoke training on request or we can modify one of our more popular workshops to suit your audience.

Whether you're new to international education marketing or a seasoned professional looking for innovative ideas, we’ll show you how to connect with young audiences around the world and take your marketing techniques to the next level.

As an experienced trainer, Jackie covers a range of topics in marketing, branding, technology, disruption, strategic business development, customer profiles and behaviour, and international student recruitment.


International Education Trends

  • Does Disruption Mean Extinction? Looking Beyond our Industry for Inspiration, Trends and Forecasts
  • Emerging & Frontier Markets: Opportunities for Growth
  • Who's Going Where? Changes in Leading Student Destination Markets
  • 21st Century Skills: Going Beyond Language Learning
  • How Agile Are You? Adapting and Innovating in the Face of Change
  • What to Expect in International Education: Today's Top Trends and Future Forecasts

Marketing and Recruitment

  • The Rise of the Selfie: Leveraging Pop Culture Trends in Marketing and Recruitment
  • Effective Content Marketing Strategies, Planning and Execution
  • New Recruitment Realities: How to use AR and VR throughout the Student Journey
  • Best Practices and New Techniques in Marketing and Recruitment
  • Differentiating Your Brand: How to Stand out in a Competitive Market
  • The Secrets of Using Influencers and Building Brand Champions
  • 7 Marketing Principles to Guide Strategy and Boost ROI

Storytelling and Branding

  • Some Things Never Change: Why Storytelling Remains the Most Powerful Form of Communication
  • Crafting the Story: Genres, Narratives, and Plot Development Techniques
  • Storytelling as a Form of Personal Branding
  • Using Storytelling Techniques to Bring Alumni Success to Life

View our Storytelling Masterclass >


Understanding Your Customers

  • How to Create and Utilise Student Personas to Increase Your Marketing Effectiveness
  • 5 Alive! Understanding and Appealing to Today’s Generations
  • Jackfruit's "8 E's" When Marketing to Millennials
  • Demystifying Generations Y & Z: How to Appeal to Youth Culture in a Brave New World
  • Lost & Found: Catering to the Gen X Adult Consumer

Professional Development

  • How to Develop and Manage Your Personal Brand
  • Entrepreneurship: Practical Tips for Start-ups and Stories of Lessons Learned
  • Inter-generational Communication - Do it Now, Do it Better, Do it Together!
  • Powerful Presentation Skills: Top Tips to Help you Become an Engaging Speaker
  • Female Leaders: How Can We Achieve Gender Equality?

Training Outcomes

You will receive practical templates, plans, checklists and calendars which you can begin using immediately to help focus your efforts, organise your work, and align activities with your overall marketing strategy. If you need help developing or refining your strategic marketing plan, we can assist here too.

Jackfruit Marketing's bespoke training sessions are designed to suit your needs, with the agenda taking various forms such as:

  • One-on-one training with individual staff members;
  • Presentations for small and large groups;
  • A balanced mix of presentations and interactive group work to put theory into practice;
  • A series of group discussions designed to tease out thoughts and feedback from the attendees.

Depending on the training topic, attendees also receive the following:

  • Tailor-made templates to put into use at work;
  • Calendars and planning sheets to provide structure to daily, weekly, and monthly activities;
  • Tips and checklists for best practices.

Usually after a training session, staff follow-up internally with more detailed group discussions on their own. Jackie then returns to the group a few days or weeks later to review what was covered and help staff incorporate their newfound knowledge into action.

In this way, training sessions can be seen as a single opportunity to raise staff's knowledge to the next level, or they can open the door to ongoing consultancy to facilitate change. Since Jackfruit Marketing is a neutral party, staff can often feel more comfortable discussing challenges and frustrations with Jackie, which she converts into post-visit reports including progress updates and ongoing suggestions for improvements.

Keynote Speaker, Popular Presenter and Proficient Trainer at Events Worldwide









Contact us for a full list of Jackie’s previous speaking engagements for professionals and students.

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