About the Jackfruit

Little Lady, Big Fruit

Maybe you haven't heard of the jackfruit yet, but it does exist!

Our founder Jackie first discovered it on a trip to China back in 2010. It was a cold December evening and she was wandering around the Guilin Liangjiang International Airport en route to Shanghai. China is full of culinary delights, so Jackie never misses a chance to sniff around the markets and shops.

You can just imagine her surprise and pure delight at finding a fruit with the same name as her!

Photo snapped. Jackfruit purchased. The rest is history.

me and jackfruit Jan 2010

Think Big

The jackfruit is pretty special (this time we're talking about the fruit, but our founder is pretty special too). The jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit on the planet. Some of them can weigh 35 kilos (80 pounds) and the mighty jackfruit tree can grow as high as 15 metres (50 feet), producing two or even three tonnes of fruit per year.

The colossal size of the jackfruit is pretty fitting, since Jackfruit Marketing likes to think big. Not to mention that it’s a big world out there, and international students are roaming all over it. So if you talk to us, expect to have some conversations on an equally massive scale!

Highly Resilient

Not only is the jackfruit huge, it is also hearty. Highly resistant to pests and drought, it’s very easy to harvest, and even the wood of the tree is renowned for its beauty and strength. Jackfruit is often referred to as a “miracle crop” which some predict could replace wheat, corn and other staple food crops that are threatened by climate change and overharvesting.

Again, there’s a correlation here because thanks to our resilience and determination, we can help you overcome many of the challenges in our industry. We can't promise to perform miracles, but we can come pretty close!

Very Versatile

Native to India and found in tropical regions around the world, jackfruit is becoming more popular lately as a meat substitute (especially pulled pork), given its meaty texture and high nutritional value. Young jackfruit can be used in savoury dishes, whereas ripened jackfruit is sweeter and often found in desserts and jams.

Each fruit contains 100-500 seeds, which are also edible and can be ground into flour or hummus, baked, broiled or roasted (giving them a flavour similar to roasted chestnuts).

Clearly, the versatile jackfruit can take care of all your needs. Perhaps the only off-putting feature of the jackfruit is its rough and tough exterior. Luckily, the human equivalent is much more approachable. Use the contact form below to get in touch and see for yourself!

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